Friday, January 6, 2012

30 days episode 4 - so, is there anywhere I CAN carry weapon?

So, it's no secret that I enjoy anything dangerous, cool guns, and stuff that blows up. But recently my friend and I were talking about how frustratingly few places a CHL holder can actually carry. After perusing through a 100 pages of rules and stuff from I finally landed on page 70 and 71 where an englishified list of places you can NOT carry is as follows: (none of these are required to post "the sign")
  1. anywhere that makes over half of it's money from alcohol sales
  2. in a correctional facility
  3. on the property of a school or educational facility
  4. polling place while voting is taking place
  5. in any gov't court or office
  6. at a racetrack
  7. the secured area of an airport
  8. a hospitle
  9. a nursing home
  10. anywhere where a high school, college, or professional sporting event is taking place
  11. in a "permanent" ammusement park
  12. on the premises of a church or other religious place
  13. at any government meeting
and in addition, employers can outlaw firearms for their employes without being required to post a sign (other people entering that facility would be allowed to carry assuming the sign was not in place). Interestingly enough though banks are not on the list, and if you go to the capitol in Austin it's like an express pass if you have your CHL... So I was thinking, in my normal day, how often could I carry (assuming i kept it on me all day so I didn't have to lock it up in my car at any point). So, on Sunday's I go to church, so that's out. If I go to work at my normal job it's technically a gov't facility. I go to college a few days a week, so that's out. And now what's left is... nothing.
Ok, so that didn't work very well, what if I do lock up my weapon in my vehicle. Well, I still can't carry in any of those places, at least I have it in my car... I'm sure that won't be awkward putting on and taking off every time I get in or out of my car. I can carry it in my house, but I wouldn't need a license to do that anyways...
Hmmm, so it looks like the only time I can carry is when I go out to eat and the movies, assuming I don't go to a bar. Well, at least I'll stay safe on dates I go on;-)

As a side note, I did run across one website I wanted to share regarding allowing CHL's to carry on college and university campuses. The website is

That's my thought's for today,

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