Monday, October 5, 2009

repairing line arrays

So I figured since I had some free time before I started full scale into christmas set up at the church, I would take some time to pull the main line arrays down, gut them clean them up, and make sure everything was in top working order before the holiday season rolled around. so yesterday after all of our sunday services, me and FOH engineer Frankie pulled the house left side down, i'll service this one this week and next sunday pull down the other side. hopefully i don't find much wrong:)

here is some of the rigging above the array before the motor was hung.

a view from up top, right here it is about 45' off the ground. the blue rope is for me, the white for guiding the line.

once it cleared the soffit i could repel down to it and unhook all the wires off the back.

and touchdown!

not the room looks like a kids mouth after they lost a tooth!

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